Service Dogs, Emotional Support Animals, and Therapy Animals

Falsifying service dogs is against both state and federal law in the United States. As a business, Cypress Avenue Works reserves the right to ask the 2 ADA related questions of purchasers (this refers to United State purchasers only). Cypress Avenue Works also reserves the right to refuse an order.

Service Dogs or Assistance Dogs are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

Emotional Support Animals, are animals that provide therapeutic benefit (e.g., emotional support, comfort, companionship) to a person with a mental health or psychiatric disability. Cypress Avenue Works understands the role that these animals play in the lives of their humans, however Cypress Avenue Works does not make ESA or Emotional Support Animal gear at this time as ESAs are not covered by the ADA and not granted public access rights.

Therapy Animals, while not granted public access rights, do have limited access at the locations in which they are trained to complete their work (i.e. a hospital setting, a school). We do make gear for therapy animals on a custom basis.