Digital Tags
Now standard in all vest or capes are our digital tags. These tags are set to take any scans directly to the Cypress Avenue Works linktree. In our Linktree are direct links to all our social media as well as links to the ADA website and frequently asked questions about service dogs. This technology works with automatically with all iphones (7 or newer) and with any androids in which NFC readers are enabled. The tags are located in the middle top of all of our vests and capes in the central panel. They do not need to be charged nor do you have to take a picture of them. They work similarly to airdrop. Simply hold your phone close to the vest and it will pop up!
We also sell these patch tabs that attach directly to the ADA website. If the patch tab connects to the technology, it will be listed in the description.
Custom patches, tabs, and vests can be made that link to your personal social media or other businesses can be ordered per request.